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Ahfad University for Women
Ahfad University for Women
  • Ahfad University For Women

    Beacon of Light.
  • Maktabt Elhafeed

    The Ahfad University for Women's library is a dynamic hub of knowledge and research, supporting diverse academic pursuits and fostering a collaborative learning environment.
  • Ahfad Campus

    Ahfad University for Women's campus is a vibrant and empowering space where education, diversity, and community thrive.
Ahfad University for Women signed a cooperation agreement with the Arab Academy for Science and Technology in Egypt. The agreement was signed by Professor Gasim Badri  President of the University, and Dr. Ismail Abdel Ghaffar Ismail Faraj President of the Arab Academy for Science and Technology, on the morning of Sunday, May 26th 2024.

The agreement encompasses cooperation in the fields of study, training, and academic education across various colleges. The signing ceremony was attended by a delegation from Ahfad University for Women in Sudan, several professors, and heads of departments from the Arab Academy at its headquarters in Heliopolis, Cairo.

وقعت جامعة الأحفاد للبنات اتفاقية تعاون مع الأكاديمية العربية للعلوم والتكنولوجيا بمصر
وقع السيد رئيس الجامعة بروفيسور قاسم بدري و السيد الدكتور إسماعيل عبدالغفار إسماعيل فرج رئيس الأكاديمية العربية للعلوم والتكنولوجيا صباح امس الأحد ٢٦/٥/٢٠٢٤ اتفاقية تعاون مشترك والتي تشمل التعاون في مجالات الدراسة و التدريب و التعليم الأكاديمي بالكليات المختلفة
و حضر التوقيع وفدا من جامعة الأحفاد للبنات السودانية و عدد من السادة الأساتذة و مراكز المسؤولية بالأكاديمية العربية بمقر الأكاديمية بمصرالجديدة ، تهدف المذكرة إلى التعاون العلمي في مجال الدراسة بالكليات و التعليم والشراكة الأكاديمية وتوفير كلية الطب وكليه الصيدلة بالأكاديمية و التدريس الطبي والتدريب لطالبات جامعه الأحفاد للبنات بالسودان

AUW Direct Health Services

Ahfad University for Women provides direct services to the community via its specialized centers. These include:

Ahfad Trauma Centre  

The Ahfad Trauma Centre (ATC) is a mental health and psychosocial service Centre under the School of Psychology at AUW, established in 2012, to serve students and the surrounding community. It has sisters Satellite Trauma Centers in Blue Nile, Darfur, White Nile, Kordofan and Gadarif states and provides free online counseling services through its specialized group of Psychologists, Trauma therapists and Psychiatrists across the world.

Read more at 

Ahfad Family Health Center

The Ahfad Family Health Center Ahfad Family Health Centre which was established in 1994 to promote the health of the local community by providing quality comprehensive services (curative, preventive and promotive) to a defined population in the context of PHC strategies. Health education is provided at all levels based on the health status of the population. The Centre also serves AUW students and employees.

Specialized Centers

Nutrition and Health Center for Training and Research

NHCTR focuses on matters related to nutrition and health. It serves as a valuable resource for training and conducting research in these critical areas, contributing to improved well-being and healthcare practices.

Early Childhood Education Center

ECDC is a hub for early childhood education, emphasizing the importance of a strong educational foundation. It supports research and training initiatives aimed at enhancing the quality of early education and child development.

Gender and Reproductive Health and Rights Resource Center 

GRACe is committed to gender equality, reproductive health, and human rights. It provides valuable resources and support for research and training initiatives that promote gender equity and reproductive health and rights.

Ahfad Center for Science and Technology

ACST is a center dedicated to the pursuit of scientific and technological advancements. It serves as a hub for research, innovation, and the development of cutting-edge solutions in various scientific disciplines.

Programs & Activities

Ahfad University prioritizes community-focused extracurriculars, reflecting its dedication to women's empowerment, social awareness, and community engagement.

The Rural Extension Program 

The Rural Extension Program started in 1973 in the School of Family Sciences, and in 1978, was assigned as a University Requirement (UR) course for all schools of the university. The Programs aims to contribute to achieving the goal of preparing the students to serve as agents of social change. It provides firsthand experience and training opportunity for the students in matters related to their own disciplines, and in variety of activities related to community mobilization and community service work. The students and their instructors carry out field trips to villages in different areas of Sudan to conduct extension work. These field trips are organized in cooperation with government agencies and non-governmental organizations, which are active in the areas to be visited, and themes for the activities to be undertaken are chosen in collaboration with the help of these agencies.

Women's Week
World Food Day
International Day

Civic Engagement

Ahfad University for Women is a member of the United Nations Global Compact, and a signatory since 2007.  AUW committed to achieve UNGC ten principles, the SDGs and the objectives of "Business 4 Peace" initiative. 
Ahfad University for Women commitment and support to UNGC principles and initiatives are in line with its philosophy and mission of educating and empowering women beside its social responsibility towards the Sudanese community. 
Ahfad University for Women is committed to report its communication on engagement (COE) activities every two years to UNGC.

This is Ahfad

AUW in Numbers







Voluntary Organizations

Ahfad University for Women has established voluntary organizations to implement its outreach programs. These include:

Babikr Badri Scientific Association for Women Studies

This organization specifically works with vulnerable women, offering support to those who have been released from prison and those who have experienced gender-based violence like domestic violence and harassment.

Community Animators Friendly Association 

Community Animators Friendly Association (CAFA) started as a voluntary youth group affiliated to the Ahfad Family Health Center with 40 volunteers. Now, as an independent NGO has branches across Sudan and it  plays a vital role in identifying the needs of the local community and helps conduct outreach programs related to training, awareness-raising, networking, and research activities. Its volunteer members contribute to the university's efforts in creating positive change within the community.